How Many Tennis Balls Fit In A Double Decker Bus?

The number of tennis balls that can fit into a double decker bus has always intrigued me as an avid tennis player and fan. Despite it seeming odd, estimating the tennis ball capacity of a bus is actually a fun mental exercise that lets me nerd out over my two favorite topics – tennis and transportation!
I will explain how I came up with an approximate ball count. Come along with me on a statisticians’ joyride to Ball Town!
How Many Tennis Balls Can Fit In A Double-Decker Bus?

According to experts, about 300,000 tennis balls could fit inside a standard double-decker bus based on the volume of a regulation tennis ball.
In pyramid formations, the balls are stacked so that there is minimal space wasted between spherical balls, resulting in efficient packing. With compact stacking, over 300,000 balls can be carried by the bus regardless of its exact dimensions.
Tennis Ball Breakdown
To figure out how much space one tennis ball takes up, let’s first take a look at its size and dimensions. In order to get some measurements, I took a few random tennis balls from my collection.
The average diameter of a regulation tennis ball is approximately 2.7 inches. Rather than a smooth rubber coating, they are usually covered in fuzzy felt.
Having extra surface area allows the balls to be stacked more densely, as we’ll see later. Competition balls usually weigh between 56 and 59 grams depending on how they are compressed.
Pressurization! Ah yes, that’s right! Any respectable tennis ball should have this feature. When the ball is brand new, it typically has an internal pressure between 9 psi and 12 psi. Over time, the gas in the balls seeps out, causing the balls to lose some pressure.
It reminded me of the time I forgot to check the pressure on a ball I served. Sadly, it just rolled over. Unthinkable.
As a result of pressurization, tennis balls maintain their spherical shape instead of falling apart like little felt pancakes. The firmness of a surface determines how many people can fit within a space. Balls cannot be crammed like marshmallows into a bag. The laws of physics simply won’t allow it!
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A double-decker’s deconstruction
Following our discussion of the tennis ball itself, let’s take a look at the glorious double-decker bus we’re trying to stuff them into!
In doing research for this article, I learned that double-decker buses come in different sizes, but I felt like a dummy until then. To me, a red London bus has always been an iconic symbol of the city.
There are, however, smaller and larger models available. Considering the range of bus dimensions will help us get a reliable ball count.
There are typically 10-11 meters (32-36 feet) between each deck of a double decker. They are about 8 feet wide, ranging from 2.4 meters to 2.6 meters. I don’t know how to account for that variety! The upper deck headroom usually sits around 1.3 meters (4+ feet), while the lower deck usually has 1.8 meters (around 6 feet).
Instead of measuring length or width, we focus on volume. How many tennis balls can fit in this space? Essentially, there are two storage chambers in the double decker. Those are prime spheres for us.
The volume must be calculated precisely, but how? High school geometry classes could have been more engaging if I had paid attention! For a rectangular prism, we can find the volume by multiplying the length, width, and height. As a result, if we take the dimensions of buses, we get:
- Lower Deck: 43 cubic meters on the lower deck (10 x 2.4 x 1.8)
- Upper Deck: 10 x 2.4 x 1.3 = 31 cubic meters (at a minimum)
If we have a smaller model double-decker, we have a bare minimum ball-holding capacity of 74 cubic meters. It’s starting to make sense now!
Incorporating space between balls
By calculating the raw cubic volume of the bus interior, we can get a rough estimate, but it is not a perfect one. When packing the tennis balls, there will inevitably be gaps between them.
As tightly packed as sardines, these spheres cannot be squeezed together. There will be some space between each ball because of the fuzz on them. What is the amount of space, though? It might be worth a quick experiment to see what happens.
In the interest of science! When stacked, there is about 0.9 inches of space between each ball or roughly 1/3 of the diameter of a tennis ball. We’ve lost quite a bit of usable storage when we multiply that gap by thousands of balls!
If the balls were arranged more efficiently, we would be able to minimize the gaps. The fit would be optimized by stacking them hexagonally closest to each other. I can imagine that would be time-consuming and difficult to implement in practice! It is more practical to stack the balls in a pyramid instead of just randomly chucking them into the bus.
Either way, when estimating the final quantity, it’s obvious that there needs to be at least several inches between each ball. If you are trying to cram thousands of balls into a bus, every little bit counts!
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Analyzing the data
We’re about to reach a turning point – let’s put the numbers into the calculator and figure out how many tennis balls I can fit inside this behemoth of a vehicle!
My first step is to figure out the volume of one tennis ball so I can divide the total bus volume by that. I took out my trusty measuring cup once again, and it looked like a tennis ball occupied about 9 cubic inches.
We can estimate the total usable volume in our hypothetical double decker bus to be around 60 cubic meters, taking wasted space into account (lower-end estimate).
In cubic inches, everything is as follows:
- In cubic meters, 60 cubic meters equal 365,571 cubic inches.
- Tennis balls have a volume of 9 cubic inches
- The number of tennis balls is 365,571 / 9 = 40,620
It’s a woohoo! The bus can fit over forty thousand balls! There’s a huge pile of neon felt there. Having that many tennis balls someday is now my new life goal. In town, I’ll be the guy who hoards tennis balls!
There would be a considerable variation in ball count with different dimensions. 50,000+ balls could easily fit in an 11-meter bus, for example! I am still amazed that we are able to pack so much into a double-decker vehicle of such a normal size.
My love for tennis and mathematics is illustrated in this little thought experiment – they allow me to explore everyday curiosities and satisfy my inner geek. My daydreams about stuffing tennis balls with busloads were weirdly enjoyable!
What Is The Volume Of A Tennis Ball?

There are approximately 9 cubic inches in the volume of a standard regulation tennis ball.
Tennis balls are measured by their volume as follows:
- Around 2.7 inches is the diameter of a tennis ball
- The volume of a sphere is calculated using the formula: V = 4/3 x π x r^3
- It has a radius of 1.35 inches or half the diameter.
- This is what V is: 4/3 x π x (1.35 inches)^3
- Approximately 9 cubic inches are contained in this volume
Tennis balls occupy a volume of approximately 9 cubic inches. The space of the container, along with the volume, can be used to calculate the amount of tennis balls that will fit into a variety of vehicles, storage containers, etc. By using the standard volume, ball capacities can be compared and estimated.
How Many Tennis Balls Can You Fit Into A Limousine?
Depending on the model and size of a limousine, tennis balls can fit inside. The interior volume of most stretch limousines is between 150 and 200 cubic feet.
A limo can hold approximately 18,000-24,000 tennis balls in a standard stretch limousine, given its 2.7-inch diameter and roughly 9-cubic-inch volume. A limousine can hold thousands of balls, depending on its size, but efficient packing allows it to fit many more.
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How Many Tennis Balls Fit In A Car?
A car’s interior volume and make and model determine how many tennis balls it can fit. According to experts, approximately 5,000-7,000 tennis balls could fit in a standard car with approximately 100 cubic feet of usable space and efficient stacking of 2.7-inch tennis balls.
In a car’s trunk and interior, a few thousand balls can fit with compact pyramid packing. Depending on the dimensions of the car, the exact capacity will vary.
What is the typical size of a regulation tennis ball?
There is about a 2.7-inch diameter to standard tennis balls.
How much interior space is in a double-decker bus?
A bus’s total volume varies between 60 and 80 cubic meters.
How are tennis balls stacked to maximize space?
Pyramid shapes can be used to stack balls for optimal fit.
How much wasted space is between stacked tennis balls?
Approximately 0.9 inches between each ball, or 1/3 of its diameter.
What is the final estimate for ball capacity?
A double-decker bus can fit between 40,000 and 50,000 tennis balls.
As a result, it is necessary to break down both the dimensions of the balls and the bus interior in order to be able to estimate how many tennis balls will fit inside a double-decker bus.
The diameter of a tennis ball is 2.7 inches, and the space between them is 0.9 inches. The lower deck of a double-decker bus is around 1.8 meters high, while the upper deck is around 1.3 meters high.
According to the bus size, the volume of usable space depends on the gaps between the stacked balls. Each tennis ball takes up approximately 9 cubic inches, so a double-decker bus can hold approximately 40,000-50,000 balls. Storage is maximized with efficient packing!
In spite of its strange nature, calculating tennis ball capacity is a good example of how a bit of logic and a bit of math can resolve everyday puzzles. I found this thought experiment fun because it combined my interest in tennis with my interest in statistics. Mentally, I’d say that was a success!
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